What is the lead time for newspaper sticker advertising at the Bangalore Airport?

Hyderabad Airport,airport branding,airport Advertisinging

The Bangalore Airport has a 3 day lead time for newspaper sticker advertising.

10 Tips for Marketing to Millennials –

  • 01

    Think beyond the typical ways of advertising

  • 02

    A great digital experience is critical

  • 03

    Provide Guidance

  • 04

    Meet them where they are

  • 05

    Be human and empathetic

  • 06

    Provide experiences

  • 07

    Use video liberally

  • 08

    Use humor in your marketing

  • 09

    Incentivize reviews

  • 010

    Don't Bug them !!


Types Of Transit Vehicle Branding

Vehicle TypeAd Rate / MonthMin. Ad duration
Auto50003 Month
Cab40001 Month
Mobile Van70,0001 Week