What is the total number of slots for advertising in the Security Hold Area in the Hyderabad Airport?

The Hyderabad Airport offers a total number of 6 ad slots in the Security Hold Area for your video ad.

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Advertising in the Security Hold Area of Hyderabad Airport can be an effective way to reach a captive audience of travelers waiting to board their flights. Typically, these advertising spaces are managed by specialized advertising agencies like Jugnoo Media Private Limited (MyHoardings) who can provide information on the number of available slots, rates, and other relevant details.


Bangalore Airport,newspaper sticker advertising, printing and mounting charge, tarmac coach advertising

Is there an additional printing and mounting charge on the newspaper sticker advertising and the tarmac coach advertising in the Bangalore Airport?Is there an additional printing and mounting charge on the newspaper sticker advertising and the tarmac coach advertising in the Bangalore Airport?

Yes, there will be an additional printing and mounting charge applicable on the newspaper sticker advertising and the tarmac coach advertising in the Bangalore Airport. Advertising through newspapers and tarmac