How many days does it take for an airport advertising campaign to be functional in the Hyderabad Airport?

Hyderabad Airport,airport branding,airport Advertisinging, airport advertising campaign

The timeline for an airport advertising campaign to be fully functional at Hyderabad Airport can vary based on several factors, including the type of advertisement, complexity of the installation, and the approval process. Here’s a general breakdown:

Factors Affecting the Timeline

  1. Type of Advertisement:
    • Digital Ads: These can often be set up more quickly, typically within a week, since they mainly involve content upload and approval.
    • Static Billboards and Posters: These require more time for printing, shipping, and installation, usually taking 2-4 weeks.
  2. Approval Process:
    • Creative Approval: The airport authority and advertising agency must approve the ad content. This can take a few days to a week.
    • Compliance Checks: Ensuring the ad complies with airport regulations and safety standards might add a few extra days.
  3. Printing and Production:
    • Design Finalization: Once the design is approved, printing can take anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on the complexity and size of the ad.
    • Material Preparation: Preparing the materials for installation can add a few more days.
  4. Installation:
    • Scheduling: Installation schedules depend on the availability of installation teams and access to the desired ad space within the airport.
    • Actual Installation: For static ads, installation can take 1-3 days, while digital ads may be set up more quickly.

Typical Timeline

  1. Initial Consultation and Booking: 1-2 days
  2. Creative Approval: 3-7 days
  3. Printing and Production: 7-10 days for static ads
  4. Installation: 1-3 days for static ads; 1 day for digital ads

Total Estimated Time

  • Digital Ads: Approximately 1-2 weeks
  • Static Billboards and Posters: Approximately 2-4 weeks

Steps to Expedite the Process

  1. Prepare Ahead: Have your ad designs ready and ensure they meet the required specifications to avoid delays during the approval process.
  2. Work with MyHoardings: As an experienced advertising agency, MyHoardings can help streamline the process by coordinating with the airport authorities, ensuring quick approvals, and managing the production and installation efficiently.
  3. Prompt Communication: Maintain clear and prompt communication with MyHoardings and the airport authorities to address any issues swiftly.


By consulting directly with MyHoardings, you can get a detailed timeline tailored to your specific campaign needs and ensure a smooth and efficient setup process. MyHoardings will assist you in navigating the necessary approvals, production, and installation steps to get your airport advertising campaign up and running as quickly as possible.

Types of DOOH Ad screens available for promotion in India.

  • RoadSide Billboard

    DOOH Screens on Roadside


  • 02


    Digital Billboards Inside Restaurants

    Digital Billboards inside Restaurants

  • Lift Lobby DOOH Displays

    Lift Lobby DOOH Displays

