Is the data regarding number of employees working in Tech Parks available?

List of companies and data regarding number employees working in tech parks with them is available.

10 Tips for Marketing to Millennials –

  • 01

    Think beyond the typical ways of advertising

  • 02

    A great digital experience is critical

  • 03

    Provide Guidance

  • 04

    Meet them where they are

  • 05

    Be human and empathetic

  • 06

    Provide experiences

  • 07

    Use video liberally

  • 08

    Use humor in your marketing

  • 09

    Incentivize reviews

  • 010

    Don't Bug them !!

Advertising options at IT Tech Parks in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai

Media TypeAdvertising OptionsRates (Starting From)
IT Tech Park MediaKiosk SetupINR 25 K / Day
IT Tech Park MediaLift Gate AdsINR 50K / Lift / Month
IT Tech Park MediaWall SignageINR 30K / Month
IT Tech Park MediaCycle Docking StationsINR 90K / Month
