Advantages of Railway Station Branding?

Railway Station Branding
  • Maximum Exposure: With Railway Station Branding, one can be assured of reaching the maximum audience at once. Railway Stations have a footfall that includes everyone from business people, homemakers, children, office goers to leisure travelers. Trains cover wide distances which also ensure that the communication message reaches diverse audiences spread across different areas.
  • Undivided Attention: The dwelling time at Railway Station or during train stops, gives the audience free time to explore their surroundings. The free time they get is the time the Advertisers can pitch their product or service to get maximum attention. The travelers are highly receptive, calm, and open to communication during dwell time or travel time.
  • Cost-Effective: It is undoubtedly, the most cost-effective way of Advertising as one can reach a diverse target audience at once with Railway Ads. Railway Advertising fits any ad campaign, any budget, and can be preferred for both mass reach and niche markets.
  • Location: The Advertising sites at Railway Stations are designed to reap high visibility and attention. The sites are available and are on the run for 24×7 and 365 days, unlike other Advertising mediums.


Railway station branding provides a compelling opportunity for brands to capture the attention of a large and diverse audience in a high-traffic environment. With high footfall and extended passenger wait times, ads placed in railway stations ensure prolonged exposure and increased visibility. This strategic location allows for targeted advertising based on demographic insights and geographic reach, making it an effective tool for building brand awareness and engagement.

Outdoor Advertising Options in India

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    Hoardings are large size display boards usually placed in locations with heavy traffic in order to convey the brand's message to the commuters.

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    Bus Shelter

    Bus stop ads or BQS are display spaces present on bus shelters in city limits. Creative ads can be displayed on 3 panels present on bus shelters.

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    Gantry Ads

    Gantry or Skywalk advertising provides maximum visibility to the brand, specifically in heavy traffic areas.

Types Of Transit Vehicle Branding

Vehicle TypeAd Rate / MonthMin. Ad duration
Auto50003 Month
Cab40001 Month
Mobile Van70,0001 Week