How can I attract company for placing their ad on my app?

App Advertising

Prepare the following before you approach anybody to place an ad in your App:

1- Give a detailed demonstration of the App

2- Know your user base:

Who uses your App? How many subscribers? How many page views in toto; per subscriber? Time spent on your App by a user? Geographies your users belong to? Kind of phones/OS your users use- helps you profile them better? Activities the user does on your App?

3- What kind of back-end support do you provide?

What kind of ads are supported by your App? How do you track Clicks? How will the advertiser track inventories burning within your App? What are the retargeting options?

4- What kind of rates are you up for offers?- CPM, CPC, Bulk deal etc.

With these questions answered, you may approach Brands or Digital Media Agencies. Alternatively, you may also go to an Aggregator who will use your ad inventory and liase directly with advertisers while giving you a percentage of the monies they get from advertising in your app.