Is Cycle docking station Ad space available in all Tech Parks?

Is Cycle docking station Ad space available in all Tech Parks?

No.  Cycle docking station ad is available in selected IT Parks in Bengaluru,Gurgaon,Chennai and Hyderabad.

At MyHoardings, we strive to offer diverse and impactful advertising solutions tailored to various business needs. One such option is advertising on cycle docking stations, a unique and engaging medium for reaching audiences in high-traffic areas. However, it’s important to note that this ad space is not available in all tech parks.

Current Availability

Cycle docking station advertising is currently offered in selected IT parks across specific cities. Our current locations include:

  • Bengaluru
  • Gurgaon
  • Chennai
  • Hyderabad

These tech parks were chosen due to their high footfall and strategic placement within bustling urban environments. They offer excellent visibility for advertisers looking to capture the attention of professionals and tech enthusiasts in these key markets.

Benefits of Cycle Docking Station Ad

  1. High Visibility:
    • Strategic Placement: Cycle docking stations are typically located in areas with high foot traffic, making them prime spots for visibility. This helps ensure that your advertisement is seen by a large audience on a daily basis.
  2. Engagement:
    • Interactive Element: Cycle docking stations often attract attention due to their interactive nature. This provides an opportunity for advertisers to engage with a dynamic audience in a meaningful way.
  3. Eco-Friendly Impression:
    • Green Branding: Advertising on cycle docking stations aligns with eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives, enhancing your brand’s image as environmentally conscious.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are interested in exploring cycle docking station advertising for your campaign, or if you have specific questions about availability in the cities mentioned, please reach out to us at MyHoardings. We can provide detailed information about the ad space options, availability, and how to leverage this unique advertising medium to achieve your marketing goals. Our team is here to help you create a memorable and effective advertising experience.

Brand promotional media options in IT Tech parks –

  • image-1

    Food Court Advertising

    Food Court Advertising

  • image-1

    DOOH Screens

    DOOH Screens

  • image-1

    Cycle Docking Stations

    Cycle Docking Stations

  • Kiosk Setup

    Kiosk Setup

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