Is Pillar Railway Branding possible at New Delhi train station?

Metro stations, advertising on Uttam Nagar

Yes, Pillar Railway Branding campaigns can be executed at selective railway stations in India. Contact MyHoardings at number mentioned above for OOH Advertising services and more details.

Marketing activities to target Students

  • Create engaging video content


    Create an Informative and Entertaining Video. Include video in your student marketing efforts. Create relevant content  to them.

  • Be ahead of social media trends

    It's no secret that usage of phone among most of students is high and  they're constantly on social media.

  • Leveraging influencer collaborations


    Collaborating with influencers can significantly enhance our product sampling initiatives.

  • Academic incentives

    Offering incentives to college students will make them more likely to shop with your company.

  • Class enrollment promotions


    Student-focused marketing can be achieved via Class enrollment promotions in proximity to the campus area.

Top Social media influencer in India

Name No. of FollowersCategory
Jannat Zubair Rahmani23.7 MModel
BB ki Wines20.1 MYoutuber
Kritika Khurana5, 351 KBlogger
Kusha Kapila13, 409 KContent Writer
Dolly Singh1.1 MYoutuber
Savi and Vid651 kTravel
Ranveer Allahbadia2.1 MNews
Gaurav Taneja1.8 MPilot
Karan Dua32, 440 KFood
