Is the data available for number of footfalls in Delhi Mall available?

Yes, data on the number of footfalls in Delhi mall is typically available. While the exact number of visitors can fluctuate based on various factors, average footfall statistics are generally accessible and provide valuable insights for advertisers and mall operators.

Factors Affecting Footfalls

  1. Day of the Week:
    • Weekdays vs. Weekends: Footfall numbers often vary between weekdays and weekends. Weekends usually see higher footfalls due to people having more leisure time, while weekdays might show lower numbers as people are at work or school.
  2. Festive vs. Non-Festive Seasons:
    • Seasonal Trends: During festive seasons or public holidays, malls experience a significant increase in footfalls as shoppers come to take advantage of sales and promotions. Conversely, during non-festive periods, footfalls may decrease, affecting the overall visitor numbers.
  3. Other Factors:
    • Events and Promotions: Special events, mall promotions, or new store openings can lead to temporary spikes in footfalls. Additionally, weather conditions and local happenings can influence the number of visitors on any given day.

Data Availability of Footfalls in Delhi mall

Despite these variations, most shopping malls in Delhi maintain detailed records of their foot traffic. This data is often collected through various methods, including electronic counters, security systems, and manual tracking. Mall operators and management use this information to understand visitor patterns, optimize mall operations, and plan marketing strategies.

For advertisers, this data is crucial in determining the best times and locations for placing advertisements. By understanding peak times and average footfalls in delhi mall, brands can better target their campaigns to maximize reach and engagement.

Brand promotional media options in IT Tech parks –

  • image-1

    Food Court Advertising

    Food Court Advertising

  • image-1

    DOOH Screens

    DOOH Screens

  • image-1

    Cycle Docking Stations

    Cycle Docking Stations

  • Kiosk Setup

    Kiosk Setup


Brand Promotion options in Cinema Halls

Ad TypeAd Run TimePrice (Starts from)
StandeeNAINR 8K
Ticket CounterAs per SlotINR 20K
Video Ad on ScreenSlots of 10 SecondsINR 150
Washroom BrandingNAINR 500