Is TV advertising dead?

Tv advertising

People made similar obtuse comments 50 years ago. “TV is dead because cable has replaced the antenna.” The complete lack of context is really quite staggering. It really comes down to definitions.

Let’s start with what television is not. Hardware does not define television. Whether it’s a black and white tube monitor, a plasma screen, LCD, LED… they are all television monitors. The method of delivery also does not define television. Whether the signal is received by antenna, cable, or wireless networks, it is ALL television. The business revenue model does not define television. Whether it’s pay-per-view, public television, subscription broadcasting or exclusively an advertising revenue model, it is ALL television. All those models are over 50 years old and have always been a part of the television industry. The advertising method does not define television. Whether the ads are commercial breaks, infomercials or shows jam packed with product placement like “Stranger Things”, it is ALL television advertising.

So what is television? The standard definition of television is: a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen. That’s it. Full stop. Any attempt to narrow that definition by hardware, transmission technology or revenue model is contextually dismissive and incomplete.

The fact is television went digital decades ago. The internet proved to be a bigger growth step for television than going form antenna to cable. To be perfectly clear, television broadcasters are not dying from, and do not compete with, the internet. Quite the opposite, they are first generation primary players in the growth of the internet. The television industry has been deeply invested in the internet since the 1980s when it became evident it was their next step. The internet is a television broadcast medium. There is no indication the television industry is killing itself using this mode of delivery any more than it did switching from antenna to cable.

Television is still by far the biggest and most powerful media in the world, and what’s more, it is still growing and increasing the lead. I have been watching tv shows and see tv ads on my phone when I’m camping and golfing for years now. With that kind of reach, how can it possibly die?

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Ad TypeAd Run TimePrice (Starts from)
StandeeNAINR 8K
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