What are the advertisement options in the wifi package of the Bangalore Airport?

Hyderabad Airport,airport branding,airport Advertisinging, advertisement options

The advertisement options offered at the Bangalore Airport are:

The advertisement options in the WiFi package of Bangalore Airport (Kempegowda International Airport) typically include several digital advertising formats that engage travelers who connect to the airport’s free WiFi service

Wi-Fi Advertising Options

  1. Splash Page Ads

    • Description: The splash page is the first page a user sees when they connect to the Wi-Fi. It’s a prime spot for advertisements as it guarantees visibility.
    • Ad Formats: Banner ads, static images, and promotional messages.
    • Benefits: High visibility and immediate engagement.
  2. Login Page Ads

    • Description: Users are directed to a login page to enter their details or credentials to access the Wi-Fi. Ads on this page are highly effective as users must interact with the page.
    • Ad Formats: Banner ads, static images, and video ads.
    • Benefits: Captive audience and guaranteed interaction.

  1. Video Ads

    • Description: Short video advertisements can be played before users gain access to the Wi-Fi. This can be a highly engaging format.
    • Ad Length: Typically 10-30 seconds.
    • Benefits: High engagement and memorable format.
  2. Banner Ads on Navigation Pages

    • Description: Once users are connected, they navigate through different Wi-Fi service pages. Banner ads can be placed on these pages.
    • Ad Formats: Static or animated banners.
    • Benefits: Continuous engagement as users navigate through the Wi-Fi service.
  3. Sponsored Wi-Fi Sessions

    • Description: Brands can sponsor free Wi-Fi sessions for users. In exchange, users view an ad or promotional message before or during their session.
    • Ad Formats: Custom messages, videos, or banner ads.
    • Benefits: Positive brand association as users receive a free service.
  4. Interstitial Ads

    • Description: Full-screen ads that appear at various points during the user’s interaction with the Wi-Fi service, such as during session renewals.
    • Ad Formats: Static images or videos.
    • Benefits: High visibility and impact due to the full-screen format.

Benefits of Wi-Fi Advertising at Bangalore Airport

  1. High Engagement: Passengers are likely to engage with ads as they connect to and use the Wi-Fi service.
  2. Targeted Audience: Ability to target ads based on demographics and travel behavior.
  3. Extended Exposure: Passengers may spend considerable time connected to the Wi-Fi, providing prolonged exposure to advertisements.
  4. Positive Association: Offering free Wi-Fi or improved connectivity in exchange for viewing ads can create a positive brand impression.

learn more about advertisement options at bangalore airport with MyHoardings