What are the possible options for airport advertising in the domestic area of the airport?

Hyderabad Airport,airport branding,airport Advertisinging, airport advertising campaign

What are the possible options for airport advertising in the domestic area of the airport?

In the domestic area of the airport, advertisements can be placed on the wall mount, digital screens, and the Media Square as advertising in the domestic baggage claim and domestic security hold area.

Advertising options in the domestic area of an airport like Hyderabad Airport typically include various formats designed to engage and reach a captive audience of domestic travelers. Here are some possible options for airport advertising in the domestic area:

  1. Digital Screens: High-definition digital screens strategically placed in key locations such as departure gates, baggage claim areas, and lounges. These screens can display dynamic content, including advertisements, videos, and interactive promotions.
  2. Static Billboards and Posters: Large-format static advertisements positioned in high-visibility areas throughout the terminal, including concourses, corridors, and waiting areas.
  3. Baggage Trolley Advertising: Advertisements placed on baggage trolleys used by passengers within the terminal, providing mobile exposure throughout the domestic area.
  4. Gate Branding: Branding opportunities around departure gates, including gate wraps, digital screens, and signage, reaching passengers waiting to board their flights.
  5. Wall Wraps and Murals: Eye-catching wall wraps and murals strategically placed to maximize visibility and impact in high-traffic zones.
  6. Floor Graphics: Creative advertisements placed on the terminal floor to capture the attention of passengers as they navigate through the domestic area.
  7. Backlit Displays: Illuminated displays that enhance visibility and attract attention, often located in central areas of the terminal.
  8. Interactive Kiosks: Touchscreen kiosks that can display interactive advertisements or provide information about products and services.
  9. Branded Amenities: Advertising on amenities such as charging stations, seating areas, and Wi-Fi zones, offering targeted exposure to passengers.

Each of these options offers unique advantages in terms of visibility, engagement, and targeting specific audience segments within the domestic area of the airport. Advertisers can select combinations of these formats based on their campaign objectives, budget, and target audience to maximize the effectiveness of their airport advertising strategy. For specific details and availability of these advertising options at Hyderabad Airport, consulting with MyHoardings or the airport’s commercial department would provide tailored information and opportunities

Outdoor Advertising Options in India

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    Hoardings are large size display boards usually placed in locations with heavy traffic in order to convey the brand's message to the commuters.

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    Bus Shelter

    Bus stop ads or BQS are display spaces present on bus shelters in city limits. Creative ads can be displayed on 3 panels present on bus shelters.

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    Gantry Ads

    Gantry or Skywalk advertising provides maximum visibility to the brand, specifically in heavy traffic areas.