What is Tech Park Advertising?

Tech Park Advertising consist of showcasing client product/services inside an IT park on spaces where it’s clearly visible and can make a statement to the professionals working there.It consists of media like Signages,Food Court pillars and tables,Cycle docking stations,Parking area,LED screens etc.

Marketing activities to target Students

  • Create engaging video content


    Create an Informative and Entertaining Video. Include video in your student marketing efforts. Create relevant content  to them.

  • Be ahead of social media trends

    It's no secret that usage of phone among most of students is high and  they're constantly on social media.

  • Leveraging influencer collaborations


    Collaborating with influencers can significantly enhance our product sampling initiatives.

  • Academic incentives

    Offering incentives to college students will make them more likely to shop with your company.

  • Class enrollment promotions


    Student-focused marketing can be achieved via Class enrollment promotions in proximity to the campus area.

Advertising options at IT Tech Parks in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai

Media TypeAdvertising OptionsRates (Starting From)
IT Tech Park MediaKiosk SetupINR 25 K / Day
IT Tech Park MediaLift Gate AdsINR 50K / Lift / Month
IT Tech Park MediaWall SignageINR 30K / Month
IT Tech Park MediaCycle Docking StationsINR 90K / Month
