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How can I do Advertisements on luggage trolley at Chennai Airport ?

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Advertisements on luggage trolley

Advertisements on luggage trolley at Chennai Airport

There are different ways to advertise on and around the airport. From all these advertisements done on luggage, the trolley is most effective. These trolleys keep on moving and being used by many passengers. There is ample space in a trolley on which the information about the product or services being promoted could be displayed effectively. While the person moving around with the luggage, it put the idea of the promotional products or services in such a manner that the customer learns about its features by heart. This would urge the customers to use those products or services. To advertise in and around any airport, then the trolley advertisement proves to be effective as well as a cheap mode of doing the advertisement. Any type of advertisement could be shown on the trolleys and these prove to be effective in increasing the sales for the present as well as future. So luggage trolley advertisement is a good option to promote products or services but it should be done by someone expert in it. Those who can put across an advertisement effectively.

MyHoardings provide expert guidance for advertisement with their media planning professionals.

Cinema Advertising Rates

City Cinema Chain Ad Duration (Seconds) Cost per Screen per Week (Approx)
Mumbai PVR30₹50,000
BangaloreCinepolis 30₹35,000
HyderabadPrasads 30₹25,000

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