How do I advertise my small food business in India?
2 min read
Blank Billboard on City Street at Night, traffic ligths, blurred train, urban scene
Firstly, if you are planning on opening up a restaurant or a bakery, you need to search for a suitable location. You can open it up near schools or colleges. You can print brochures of it and distribute to the people.
You can also go for guerrilla advertisements. Plan on sticking posters of your restaurant. After the social media boom, it has paved a path for successful advertisement of any business if you are planning for a hassle-free experience.
You can create a page on Facebook and post about your business. You can click pictures of the food and post it with some eye-catchy captions. It would drag more traffic to your page. You can post about discounts and happy hours. This will obviously gain you more customers.
In addition to above, you can try various non-expensive and impact creating non traditional media options like below –
No Parking board Advertisement
ATM screen branding etc.
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