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Indian Express Advertising through MyHoardings

2 min read

Maximize Your Brand’s Reach with The Indian Express Advertising through MyHoardings

In the evolving landscape of digital and print media, The Indian Express stands out as a trusted and influential platform. With a rich legacy of delivering credible news and analysis, advertising with The Indian Express offers brands unparalleled access to a discerning and engaged audience. MyHoardings is here to help you tap into this potential and craft effective advertising campaigns.

Why Advertise with The Indian Express?

The Indian Express is one of India’s leading newspapers, known for its rigorous journalism and in-depth reporting. With a diverse readership that spans across demographics and regions, The Indian Express offers a prime platform for brands to connect with a well-informed and influential audience.

Coverage and Audience Insights

The Indian Express boasts a wide reach through its print edition and digital presence. The print edition circulates in major cities and towns across India, while the digital platform attracts millions of visitors every month. This dual presence ensures extensive coverage and allows advertisers to target both traditional and tech-savvy audiences.

Media Options on The Indian Express

The Indian Express offers a variety of advertising formats to suit different marketing objectives:

  1. Print Ads: Display ads in various sizes and positions within the newspaper, including front-page ads, full-page ads, and section-specific ads.
  2. Digital Display Ads: Banners and tiles on the website, including homepage takeovers and in-article placements.
  3. Native Advertising: Sponsored articles and content that blend seamlessly with editorial content, providing value to readers while promoting your brand.
  4. Video Ads: Engaging video content on the digital platform, including pre-roll and mid-roll ads.
  5. E-Paper Ads: Advertisements in the digital replica of the print newspaper, reaching a global audience.

Benefits of Advertising with The Indian Express

  1. Credible Platform: Association with a trusted and respected news brand enhances your brand’s credibility.
  2. Extensive Reach: Access to a broad and diverse audience through both print and digital channels.
  3. Targeted Advertising: Ability to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience.
  4. High Engagement: Engaging content and strategic ad placements lead to higher reader engagement and retention.
  5. Comprehensive Analytics: Detailed performance metrics for digital ads help you measure and optimize your campaigns.

Limitations to Consider

  1. Cost: Premium ad placements, especially in the print edition, can be expensive, potentially limiting access for smaller businesses.
  2. Ad Clutter: High volume of ads in print and digital formats can make it challenging to stand out.
  3. Limited Interaction: Print ads do not offer interactive elements, potentially reducing engagement compared to digital formats.
  4. Platform Dependency: Relying heavily on one platform may limit exposure to audiences on other media channels.


The Indian Express offers a robust platform for advertisers to reach a large and engaged audience through credible and impactful media. By partnering with MyHoardings, you can leverage our expertise to design and execute effective advertising campaigns on The Indian Express. Contact us today to explore the full potential of advertising with The Indian Express for your brand.