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Is print advertising a dying market?

2 min read

Not true! Most of the time the print advertising is a reminder of the Digital version, when you are launching a campaign you really need to make sure you reach your target audience, not only over social media, mail shots, Radio, or TV, but also in print.

A recent study by the United States postal service compared the reactions of Subjects when presented with either a digital or physical advertisement. They used various neuromarketing techniques to gauge subjects’ reactions. The results of the study showed that print advertising was leaving more of a positive and lasting impression on the subjects:

  • Subjects spent longer reviewing physical media than digital
  • Printed media evoked higher emotional reactions
  • Physical media led to subjects having a great desire for the product
  • Subjects attached high subconscious values to products shown in the printed advertisements
  • A week later, subjects were able to recall and remember printed media more effectively than the digital counterparts

Print ads are Trustworthy– today it seems like almost anyone can create a Facebook page and set up a pay per click campaign and set up a website with a shopping cart faster than it takes a person to drive across town. These days almost anyone can own a business and “ look” like the real deal. But in fact most people are more trusting of businesses that they see in print advertising. Even younger generations who are typically less trusting of advertising in general feel like printed publications actually have valuable information for them.

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