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Is website advertising for 3000 taxis a better idea than TV advertising?

2 min read

The fact that TV commercials are an old story and people always pay attention to something new and innovative, Taxi advertising would be received with more attention than TV advertising.

Taxi/cab branding is better idea than TV advertising because:

· Unavoidable: Unlike TV where channels can be changed or the commercials can be avoided, taxi advertising cannot be avoided especially in-cab advertising. The rider is fixed to one space and cannot escape it until he reaches his destination; therefore any ad displayed in the cab gets complete attention of the rider.

· Innovative: TV commercials are a thing of the past, until and unless the ad is something extra-ordinary, it hardly catches the viewer’s attention. But taxi advertising is a new concept and 3D posters and attractive car wraps attract the audience’s attention for their novelty and distinctiveness.

· Wider reach and visibility: Taxi advertising attracts audience’s attention spread across different parts of the city.

Types of Ambient Media

  • 01

    Ambient Digital Screens

    • Description: Digital screens strategically placed in unconventional locations such as shopping malls, airports, and transit hubs.
  • 02

    Ambient Interactive Installations

    • Description: Installations that encourage audience participation and interaction.
  • 03

    Ambient Projection Mapping

    • Description: Projection of digital images or videos onto buildings, structures, or other surfaces.
  • 04

    Ambient Street Art Integration

    • Description: Incorporation of advertising messages into existing urban art or graffit
  • 05

    Ambient Guerrilla Marketing

    • Description: Unconventional marketing stunts or installations in public spaces.
  • 06

    Ambient In-Store Advertising

    • Description: Creative advertising placements within retail environments.
  • 07

    Ambient Vehicle Advertising

    • Description: Ads placed on vehicles such as taxis, buses, or delivery trucks.
  • 08

    Ambient Sensory Branding

    • Description: Utilization of senses like smell, sound, or touch to create memorable brand experiences
Campaign NameMedia NameOffer Rate
AC Bus - Chennai Passenger Seat BackAC Bus - Chennai14000
Cab Branding - Delhi 4 Doors - External BrandingCab Branding - Delhi4400