
Your Ad Partner


1. What is outdoor media buying?

Outdoor media buying involves purchasing advertising space in outdoor environments, such as billboards, transit shelters, and other physical locations. It includes negotiating rates, selecting prime locations, and scheduling ads to maximize visibility and impact. MyHoardings can assist you with expert outdoor media buying services to ensure your campaign’s success.

2. How to sell outdoor media?

To sell outdoor media, identify potential advertisers who could benefit from increased public visibility. Present them with compelling data on traffic and demographics for your locations, offer competitive pricing, and showcase past successful campaigns to demonstrate the value of your media spaces. MyHoardings can help connect you with interested advertisers and streamline the selling process.

3. What is the difference between transit media and outdoor media?

Transit media refers to advertisements placed on transportation vehicles and within transit systems, such as buses, trains, and subways. Outdoor media, or Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising, includes any advertisement displayed outside the home, such as billboards, street furniture, and digital displays. MyHoardings offers both transit and outdoor media options to meet your advertising needs.

4. How to run ads on reels?

To run ads on Instagram Reels, set up an Instagram business account, access Ads Manager, choose your campaign objective, select Instagram Reels as your ad placement, and create engaging video content. Ensure your ad follows Instagram’s guidelines and targets the appropriate audience. MyHoardings can provide creative services and strategic planning for effective Instagram Reels ads.

5. How to do Instagram advertising?

Instagram advertising involves creating visually appealing ads through Instagram Ads Manager. Choose your campaign objective, define your target audience, set a budget, design your ad with engaging visuals and text, and select appropriate placements within Instagram’s ecosystem, including Stories, Feed, and Explore. MyHoardings offers comprehensive Instagram advertising services to maximize your reach and impact.

6. How to advertise on Truecaller app?

To advertise on Truecaller, contact Truecaller’s advertising team or use their self-serve platform if available. Define your target audience, create your ad content, set your budget, and monitor the campaign’s performance using the provided analytics tools. MyHoardings can facilitate your Truecaller advertising campaign for optimal results.

7. What are the benefits of Truecaller advertising?

Truecaller advertising offers targeted reach, allowing advertisers to connect with specific demographics based on user data. It also provides high visibility in a commonly used app, helping to enhance brand awareness and engagement. MyHoardings can help you leverage Truecaller’s platform for effective advertising.

8. What is the difference between DOOH and OOH?

DOOH (Digital Out-Of-Home) advertising refers to digital screens and interactive displays placed in public spaces, while OOH (Out-Of-Home) advertising encompasses all types of non-digital outdoor advertising, such as billboards and posters. MyHoardings offers both DOOH and traditional OOH options to suit your advertising needs.

9. What is ambient OOH?

Ambient OOH advertising involves placing ads in unusual or unexpected locations to capture attention and create memorable impressions. It often uses creative and innovative methods to engage audiences in public spaces. MyHoardings specializes in ambient OOH advertising to make your brand stand out.

10. What are the types of ambient media?

Types of ambient media include guerrilla marketing installations, projection advertising, street furniture, in-store displays, and experiential marketing setups. These ads often leverage their environment to enhance the message’s impact. MyHoardings can help you design and execute innovative ambient media campaigns.

11. What are types of transit OOH media options?

Transit OOH media options include bus wraps, subway ads, taxi top ads, train station posters, airport displays, and transit shelter ads. These placements target commuters and travelers in transit systems. MyHoardings offers a variety of transit OOH media options to reach your audience on the move.

12. What are the 6 types of YouTube ads?

The six types of YouTube ads are:

  • Skippable video ads
  • Non-skippable video ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Overlay ads
  • Display ads
  • Sponsored cards

MyHoardings can help you choose the right YouTube ad format for your campaign and create engaging content.

13. How much does it cost to advertise on YouTube?

The cost to advertise on YouTube varies based on ad format, targeting, and competition. On average, YouTube ads cost between $0.10 to $0.30 per view or action, with a typical daily budget ranging from $10 to $50. MyHoardings can help you manage your YouTube advertising budget effectively.

14. How to create quality video ads?

To create quality video ads, focus on a strong opening, clear messaging, engaging visuals, and a compelling call-to-action. Ensure your video is optimized for the platform, keeping it short and mobile-friendly. High production value and storytelling can also enhance viewer engagement. MyHoardings offers video production services to create high-quality ads that resonate with your audience.

15. What are the different types of radio advertising?

Types of radio advertising include live reads, sponsorships, pre-recorded spots, and branded content. Each format offers unique ways to integrate your message into radio programming, targeting specific audiences effectively. MyHoardings can help you select and produce the right type of radio ad for your campaign.

16. What is FM radio advertising?

FM radio advertising involves broadcasting commercial messages on FM radio stations. These ads can reach a broad audience, particularly within specific geographic areas, and are effective for building brand awareness and driving local traffic. MyHoardings offers strategic planning and creative services for impactful FM radio advertising.

17. What is in-flight advertising?

In-flight advertising includes any promotional content displayed on aircraft, such as seatback screens, overhead bins, tray tables, in-flight magazines, and pre-flight announcements. It targets a captive audience during their flight. MyHoardings can help you reach high-value travelers with in-flight advertising solutions.

18. What are the advantages of flight advertising?

Flight advertising offers high engagement, targeting a captive audience with extended dwell times. It can reach a premium audience of frequent travelers and provide a unique, distraction-free environment for your message. MyHoardings can design and implement effective in-flight advertising campaigns for your brand.

19. What are the benefits of bus shelter advertising?

Bus shelter advertising offers high visibility in urban areas, capturing the attention of pedestrians and commuters. It provides 24/7 exposure, can target specific neighborhoods, and often reaches a diverse demographic, enhancing brand recognition and recall. MyHoardings provides bus shelter advertising solutions to boost your brand’s visibility and impact.