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Why are LED outdoor screen-advertisement displays not so familiar in India?

2 min read
largest outdoor display

LED outdoor screen-advertisement

Few factors that come in the way of digital outdoor advertising in India include:

· Not enough sites: The fact that India is still low on number of high rise buildings, the digital outdoor advertising sites are not available at areas of high footfall.

· Climatic conditions: Major cities like Delhi and Mumbai have a hazy air owing pollution and humid weather conditions which hinders the quality of the images displayed on digital outdoor advertising mediums.

· Cheaper Alternatives: As digital outdoor advertising is a new concept, advertisers tend to opt for other traditional mediums such as hoardings, transit advertising, billboards etc than investing in a relatively expensive medium such as digital ones.

LED outdoor screen-advertisement

· Government restrictions: Advertisers have to go through numerous legal formalities to get the approval for putting up digital outdoor advertisements. One cannot put up digital ads without government permissions.

Although, the digital outdoor advertising is expensive but the impact of the medium is unmatched. The sharpness of the colors, the large displays and moving visuals grab the attention of the passersby instantly. This medium is gaining popularity slowly and steadily and will become the most popular outdoor advertising medium in near future.

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Types of Transit OOH Media

  • 01

    Bus Exterior Ads

    • Description: Ads placed on the exterior surfaces of buses, including sides, rear panels, and rooftops.
  • 02

    Bus Interior Ads

    • Description: Ads displayed inside buses, including overhead panels, seat backs, and floor decals.
  • 03

    Subway/Train Station Ads

    • Description: Ads positioned within subway stations or on platforms where commuters wait for trains.
  • 04

    Subway/Train Car Ads

    • Description: Ads displayed inside subway cars or trains, including digital screens, posters, and wraps
  • 05

    Taxi/Uber/Lyft Ads

    • Description: Ads placed on exterior surfaces (taxi tops, wraps) and interior displays of taxis, Uber, or Lyft vehicles.
  • 06

    Airport Shuttle and Terminal Ads

    • Description: Ads displayed on shuttles transporting passengers between airport terminals, parking lots, and rental car facilities.
  • 07

    Ferry/Boat Ads

    • Description: Ads placed on ferries or boats that transport passengers across water bodies.
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