Are you satisfied with the ROI on your OOH ads?
3 min read
The basic fundamental behind doing a business is to earn good revenue. When there is no revenue earned, there is no point in doing business. Even running an advertising company is nothing less than a business. The advertising company put all efforts into promoting the products/brands as per the requirement of the businessman. Some of the advertising options like banners, hoardings,OOH ads, or DOOH require a huge investment in setting up the structure. Whatever effort is put in, the output should be measured at the end of the day.
Every businessman calculates his/her ROI and if satisfied will proceed with the proposal. But in the case of an OOH ad, the advertiser has to have patience till it works. The journey between a viewer and a potential customer may be small, but becomes long in case of potential customers and the consumer of the product. ROI in the case of OOH ads can be measured by the number of viewers and response of the viewers. The term “satisfaction” that does not have any place in the business. The more you get, the more you want. However, there are certain tips to increase your ROI.
Tips to increase the ROI on your OOH ads
- Meaningful presentation: The audience will respond only when they understand your ad. So when OOH advertising options are used, you as an advertiser should ensure that the branding is expressive. The image and the content should be related to each other. People seeing the OOH advertising should be able to understand it.
- Focus: As an advertiser, you should plan properly and then place the OOH branding at the right location. A proper analysis of the location and class of the people will help in deciding what sort of content should be displayed. A right brand placed at a wrong location may be just viewed by the people residing in the location but it won’t affect the sales or revenue. For instance, if you are targeting high-class people who can afford to buy costly watches, the watches ad should be promoted in the locality where the high-class people reside. Instead, if the watches ad is placed in the middle or low-income group, product awareness is created but there won’t be sales activity as people cannot afford to buy such a costly watch. The return on investment (ROI) can be achieved only when a potential buyer buys the product and becomes a customer.
- Think big: The job of advertising is a challenging job. As an advertiser, it is your duty to retain the customer’s interest. Hence, you should always try to innovate new ways of promoting the products.
- Appropriate planning and execution: As soon as some offer is received, it is the prime duty to calculate the expenses that will be incurred for the implementation of the advertisement as per the offer. When things are planned and then implemented, expenses incurred can be controlled. Hence, when the expenses are controlled, the revenue earned will seem to be more.
Conclusion: ROI concerning the businessman will be the increase in sales and revenue while ROI for an OOH ad will be the increase in viewership and the response thereby.