Cinema Advertising: Playing with the psychographics of the target audience!
2 min read
Big screen, surround sound, dark space and captive audience make up for the best advertising opportunity to create high brand recall. Cinema branding concentrates on the psychographics of the audience along with demographics to connect with the audience in the theatre. By creating engaging content based on the opinions, hobbies, personality profiles, activities, interests emotional triggers etc., the brands make an attempt to influence the target audience through these psychographic segmentation parameters. The content crafted cautiously for the theatre audience aims more at reaching quality audience than at quantity reach.
Establishing a bridge between mall goers and movie watchers:
- Cinema advertising prompts immediate action. For instance, during interval time, food outlets often play their ads on the big screen offering food discounts or food combo to stimulate the audience.
- Placing the brand on top of the mind: The retailers present in the mall use cinema branding to gain the top of mind position in the audience’s mind. For instance, an apparel brand may advertise for lucrative ‘50% sale’ to influence the movie watchers. The presence of brand advertised within the retail environment gains maximum ROI (return on investment) from cinema branding.
- Creating Hype: Brands can mark short-term impact and create hype in movie watchers through brand messages like ‘opening shortly in this mall’, ‘ sale ends today’, ‘ valid for 5 hours from now’ etc. Such messages create hype for the brand advertised and excite the cinema audience to make a purchase decision within the movie time period.
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Cinema branding is qualitative OOH advertising tool:
- No Distraction: The USP of cinema branding is the ‘minimal distraction ambience’ that it offers. The wide screen, surround sound, comfortable seats, food and dark space, this all makes up for an environment with least distraction.
- No Skip, No Mute: The audience present at the theater does not have the option to mute, skip or ignore the ad as possible on other advertising platforms such as mobile, TV and print. The audience is bound to one space therefore escaping the ad on the screen is almost impossible.
- Immersive advertising: Engaging the audience by creating highly relevant content based on the psychographics of the audience and delivering it on the HD large screen along with digital sound, makes advertising more immersive. Cinema ads dwell in the audiences mind for longer duration as compared to the ads on the other media.