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Cinema branding in India

3 min read
Cinema branding in India,Mall branding agency in Bengaluru,Chennai,Mumbai and Kolkata

Not just movies, cinema branding too triggers audience!

Have you ever noticed that the actual movie begins at least 15 minutes later from the scheduled time on tickets? Well, this isn’t to facilitate late comers but to make the audience watch series of ads before the movie starts. Apart from the movie hall, the theatre galleries, washrooms and waiting areas too are wrapped under ads. The advertisement displayed during the movie, during intermission and inside movie hall fall under ‘cinema branding’.

Cinema branding  is a popular concept and is being used from ages owing to its effectiveness. But the concept of digital screens and multiplexes has revolutionized cinema advertising also.

How movie theaters affect the audience?

Earlier watching movie in a theater was a once in a while phenomena but with the multiplexes operating in almost every Indian city and offering movie tickets at affordable rates, movie watching especially at weekends have become a trend.

Today, watching movies can be seen as way of:

  • Entertainment
  • Unwinding
  • Relaxation
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • New experiences (3D & 4D movies, Lounge seating etc.)

As, the audience comes to movie hall with a mind set of being ‘off duty’ it makes them more receptive of the communication. Moreover, during the time when the audience is waiting for the movie to start and the hall is packed with audience, they have no option but to watch the ads playing at a huge screen before them.

If the advertisement played grabs the audience through its visuals, dialogues, tag line, brand endorsers or emotional appeal, it shall definitely trigger the potential buyer to make purchase.  An impactful Cinema branding in India results into:

  • Higher brand recall
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Brand reinforcement
  • Mass reach
  • Mass visibility
  • Increased sales

How Cinema branding in India works?

If you wish to make cinema advertising a part of your ad campaign or wish to use it as single promotional tool, you need to follow these steps to get the desired results:

Step 1: Decide the movie theatre brand and location: There are numerous famous and established movie theatre brands such as PVR, INOX, SPI, Big Cinema, Cinepolis etc. So, first decide on which cinema hall brands your advertisement will run.

Step2: Decide the location: One movie hall brand can have its branches spread across various locations in a single city. So, one must choose the location of the movie hall depending on the kind of target you have.

Step3:  Decide the timing: A very important aspect of cinema advertising is show timings during which the ad is played.  Morning shows and afternoon shows have far less foot fall then the evening and late night shows. So, running ads during the shows which observe high foot fall will result into mass reach.

Step5: Decide placement: Cinema halls ads are categorized into on-screen ads and off-screen ads same as LED and non-LED options for Airport Branding. On-screen ads include ads played before the movie begins and at the time of interval while the off-screen ads include ads placed in the lobby area, washrooms, main entry, at food counters etc. Therefore, the ad placement should be done keeping in mind the budget, target audience and brand personality.

With careful planning and execution cinema branding is bound to give your brand the boost it needs!

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