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Make your brand buzz with railway station ads!

3 min read
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Railway Station Advertising,Railway branding

Ever wondered why railway stations are laced with advertisements from top to bottom? Well, according to research done on Indian Railways, on any given day 20,038 trains are on the run in India and carry approximately 22.21 million passengers every day. These statics explain why train advertising is of so much importance for both private and government companies. With train advertisements, the motive is to reach a wide variety of consumers at once.

Railway station ads and their placements:

Railway stations can be seen as a large canvas where the ads can be placed in accordance with the kind of audience visiting the station. The advertisements can be placed at various places in different forms at railway stations such as:

  • As train wrapping: It is hard to ignore the advertisements placed all over the train. One can see these ads as wrapping on the train as it runs across the length of the train. These ads get the maximum attention as a passenger is expected to give attention to the details of the vehicle from which he is traveling.
  • Inside Train: Branding inside the train is the most impactful way to get an undivided attention of the travellers. Once a passenger has boarded the train and is in a relaxed state, he definitely gives more attention to whatever he sees around himself. The advertisers can make full use of this receptive state of consumers by putting up ads inside the train and on the things like cups, magazines, spoons and even by offering product samples.
  • Railway platforms: Advertising on railway platform is a thing of the past but using the same platforms to promote any product or service through new digital mediums like LED screens, swipe screens, kiosks etc might ring a bell! Hoardings, banners and life size ads too get noticed.

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Railway adverting benefits:

  • Maximum Exposure: With train ads one can be assure of reaching to maximum audience at once. Railway stations have a footfall that includes everyone from business people, home makers, children, office goers to leisure travelers. Trains cover wide distances which also ensure that the communication message reaches diverse audience spread across different areas.
  • Undivided attention: The dwelling time at railway station or during train stops, gives the audience free time to explore their surroundings. The free time they get is the time the advertisers can pitch their product or service to get maximum attention. The travellers are highly receptive, calm and open to communication during dwell time or travel time.
  • Cost-Effective: It is undoubtedly, the most cost-effective way of advertising as one can reach diverse target audience at once with railway ads. Railway advertising fits any ad campaign, any budget and can be preferred for both mass reach or for niche markets.
  • Location: The advertising sites at railway stations are designed to reap high visibility and attention. The sites are available and are on the run for 24×7 and 365 days unlike other advertising mediums.

Indian Railway is the life line of our country. With thousands of travellers depending up on railways for their work or leisure, the importance of this transport system cannot be ignored. Railway advertising is also one of the oldest modes of advertising that is being explored, used and reinvented till today for gaining maximum reach and visibility for any advertisement campaign.

Advertising Options of Indian Railway Stations

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